Feb 12, 2025 - Who is Kevin Seagate?
Kevin Seagate (aka kevseagate) is a ficticious pseudoname that I use to sell erotic pictures/video. I started using it around 2014. At the time, I had recently gone through a bankruptcy and had to sell nearly everything to pay bills (and buy gifts for my Ukrainian girlfriend)...even my underwear and swimsuits. On Ebay, I realized that I could sell my clothing for more than I paid if I provided a picture of me wearing the garment. Soon, I was buying swimwear and selling for a profit...creating value with a simple phone picture. I gathered followers on my Ebay account, and I started buying more revealing swimwear and mens' lingerie items...and they sold well. It wasn't a secret, although I did hide behind my pseudoname and never showed my face in the pictures. It motivated me to stay in shape, watch my diet, be groomed constantly.
Hold on a second...does any of the above define my sexual preference? ...okay, just checking.
As my professional job became more demanding and Ebay costs increased, I eventually put my side gig on the sidelines...but I brought it back to life when subscription content platforms gained popularity. (such as OnlyFans I built up a following on free website with teaser content that funneled my followers into the pay platforms for access to more explicit content. Oksana and I launched Seagate Entertainment, LLC, I had nearly 30k followers, and made between $300-600/month with maybe 1-2 hours of work per week. My gym memberships, workout clothes, supplementation, driving to/from gym, part of my house (converted to a studio), camera equipment were tax deductible and for several months, I gave Oksana my entire payout, which was about $500 every 3-4 weeks.
So, does this make me gay/bi? (or a "pederast" as Oksana calls me?)
Question: "Let's get real Justin, or shall I call you Kevin? You're selling ass pictures to men. You're clearly gay!"
Answer: Indeed, people pay money to see pictures and videos of my butt while thinking my name is Kevin. That does not require me to have sex with men, so it is an ASSumption that I'm gay.
So...let's get real: My glutes and legs are on the money. [literally] They set me apart from the other male models. I exploit my strengths. Pictures and video of my glutes and legs in a variety of outfits, pants, shorts, spandex, bikinis, thongs, etc. has cash value.
I've been blessed with great genetics. I've spent years on my diet and training. I'm not going to have this body forever, so I'm going to enjoy it while I can. I haven't removed my content anywhere. If you're over 18, do an image search for kevseagate. Make sure you're in private browsing, turn SafeSearch off, and that nobody can see your screen, or you'll be accused of watching solo gay porn.
So, now you know I'm a professional porn star, and according to Oksana, you're a porn addict for looking at it. For those of you who can't stop looking and subscribe to my Onlyfans account, thank you so much! Your support is what makes my content possible!
heathermusky- Feb 14, 2025
89MustangTT- Feb 14, 2025
damn dude, I guess I'm a porn addict
amanda33- Feb 15, 2025
awake now
Just please keep posting ass pics lol