Feb 12, 2025 - The email that put my marriage into perspective.
On Aug 1, 2023, my wife sent me an email beyond my imagination. You may be shocked to know that English is her second language, despite the eloquent proficiency of which she articulates her hatred towards me. Oksana accuses with about 5% truth basis. (so, 95% of her accusations are made up, with a 5% seed) I'll write my response to these later, but this is good entertainment for now. If you're a foreign mail order bride (or handler), this letter is a good example of what not to do.
OFF my chest… Read when ready… If you care…Oksana Fore <[email protected]> Tue, Aug 1, 2023, 2:52 AM
I have to get it off my chest. Read when ready…
You turned our home, our sacred nest into your porno studio. Our bedroom became your wank off studio, even my ballet studio became your wank off studio. I can no longer sleep here, live here eat here without wanting to vomit. Our privacy and your privates are no longer privates… Pederastic[1] thong clown must go! You can’t admit that you just don’t love me, you have no desire for me and you blame me for your problems or having to work. You have child support obligations and bills; with or without me, you still have bills. I came across everything I was suspicious about, you have done it for a long time: you were wanking off for pedos online while Alek was dying, I would not be surprised. You have a porn addiction. Not a good timing for sneaking around because you need “entertainment” or feel “wanted”, how fucking disgustingly selfish!
This is beyond repair, if you don’t stop now!!!!
I tried to play your way, but you are just like other men I was married to : addicted to porn, wanting to dirty me up, exploit me, then use it against me, so the blame is mine… Classic. Here is news: I am not a slut you can just throw away when done! People like Maya are. Thong modeling is one thing, but jacking off videos is something we discussed and you promised you won’t be explicit! Didn’t we?? You now bare your ass on the public social media without any shame, I never agreed to that! But also I know you don’t care, you just want to feel “wanted”, your self-indulging behavior did not make me want you more. I am turned off by it and I could never imagine you would do it to me?
I am not “the love of your life” clearly, I never felt like I was, so there is no surprise you always wanted something else that is why I questioned that, but you freaked out instead of comforting me... I am just not enough & you made that very clear to me based on your recent activity.
You are going to have to suck it up and give up your pederastic fetish and get back to your purpose. You fucking serve me or everything you built will come to shit, if you continue this porn club! You suppose to protect & provide for your woman: not jack off on twitter in the school girl skirt… You have lost your good damn mind, grandpa!! Samantha might get knocked up and have your grandkids soon enough… What if your daughters come across that shit?! Did you think about how that would affect their lives? Their mental health? Or your dad who dumped his life savings on you, because he believed in you and your mother who survived cancer or these people that work for us? This debauchery must fucking end. It is an addiction and it sucked you in further and further… It could suck you in to the point where you start showing your dick publicly too…
So,again. You would blame me for being “cold” and mean… you knew exactly what you were getting into with me when we met! What did you do to keep me “warm”? I felt rejected with you since Alek died. You had no empathy for me, you say you did, but allowed someone else to court me, that caused me this unnecessary conflict, a daily anxiety, threatened my security & this could be avoided if you were man enough to step up and confront the dude, instead you asked him to sleep with me, after I already told him off in February lol He knew it was a trap, besides you were a bit late, he already burnt through my rejection. At that point, I knew he would say No and he had a girlfriend, Maddy, a nice girl btw.
So, you needed me to be distracted, so you could do your thing… posting ass shots in the laser room at work on Alek’s birthday, I have a date listed specifically, a very nice screen shot of those series, that was before I even acknowledged the jerk at work. I did not have a conversation with him until that February Sunday 2020, after my surgery, that Sunday on Samanthas birthday, 16th. ( I was texting her Happy Birthday on snap chat), then he sent me a text on there too and said he is around, so we talked for a while next to Sally’s, I even got some water at Smoothie store to take my antibiotics…
Also, seems like it was true what Maya said, that you did not want me and I am “nobody” there, sounds familiar? Did you show her your dick too because you wanted her approval and her to “want” you? Is this why I found her hair in Gulia’s passenger’s seat when you used to drive it? Did she wank you off or she put it in her mouth and swallowed your juicy cum? I am curious to hear it all, maybe it will help me to boil up a little…
This is cry for help. I want all of this unfucked as soon as possible… I don’t want anyone see you like this. When people start blackmailing you, don’t fucking blame me for “talking shit” about you, you post your junk for everyone to see
I do want to keep it peaceful and remove it all from our life, but if you fucking dare to bark at me again or act like you did this morning, I will make myself a fucking widow, I swear. I won’t take any abuse from you, remember I am cold and I will stay cold. You try to fuck me over, I won’t be nice about it. Whether I expose your shit and destroy lives around us or not depends on your behavior. Keep that in mind, you piss me off, I warned you.
Communicate your needs, don’t sneak behind my back wanking off and disrespecting our property then posting it online, don’t tell me what to do or how to do shit. Unless I ask for your opinion.
I can only imagine the look on your mom’s or children’s faces, the embarrassment, laughing heffer, you dad might die on the spot from a heart attack , Anne will laugh btw. Your employees walking away and your life’s work turning to shitter, liquidated, because you needed to show off you dick to feel “wanted”… What an evil wife I am… You are doing it to yourself via “pederastic ass clown” persona. It is fucking disturbing. I WANT my Justin back!
Remove this crap! All of it. You look pathetic, half brained and sickly on those videos. SICKLY! Your face is sucked in, your eyes have fallen in like you just escaped a mental health facility and have not slept in 3 days. It is not hot! It is nauseating and you are getting less likes on Twitter. Showing more dick is not a solution, pretty soon your dick will dry out too. Time to retire the “kev” & accept the aging process. You aren’t young buck no more. Blueberries won’t help you either. Get your dignity back by removing yourself from ass show, before this shit blows into your face. Aging is a hard pill to swallow, but you must. There is a lot of positive comes with maturing tho.
Sent from Oksana’s Iphone
[1] "Pederastic" is a word play on the word "pederast" which refers to a man who has sex with a boy, frequently used by Oksana to address gay men.
NO FUCKING WAY she wrote that
Whether any of those accusations are true or not, this woman has some serious psychological issues...and obvious criminal intent. bro